Tuesday, May 15, 2007

So Much To Say!

It's all quiet again in the Peck household. Bruce has gone to Detroit, and Matt returned to London yesterday afternoon. Baxter and I are holding down the fort for now.

Mother's Day was unlike any in the past. As you know, we did the market which was not very productive. The crowds were very slim; the weather was very hot! Matt came down about 11, and sat with us, however, it bored him rather quickly. Baxter was not happy either; he barked at all kinds of dogs, and I'm sure scared away a few folks. We've decided it is too much for him, so he'll have to stay home and be the good little doggie we know he can be. On the other hand, I've felt much better the last days, and as mentioned in the previous post, hope it continues without relapse.

The twins came to the market around 2 with Leanne and Michelle. Immediately, they were saying we'll help you pack up--let's beat it. It was agreed, and with that many hands it made for a record tear down time! Everyone gathered at our house and we had snacks and chatted--maybe I should say discussed some of the issues of the day? Judy, and Grandma, came over, and it was all very lively.

These are the cards from the boys. It is so interesting that I can almost guarantee what kind of card each will buy. Matthew always gets cool cards, and writes his own message. Bill buys sweet cards, David buys nice cards, and Jonathan always goes for humor. I love that about them, they are so unique. I frequently wonder how our boys turned out as well as they did. It is quite a wonder that a very young couple managed it, but at least for now, we couldn't be happier with them. I know that sounds silly with a caveat, but you never know!

As I've said in the past, David can really talk your ear off regarding the economy. In fact, he does it at quite a high volume, and when he and Bill are together it is like a tag-team wrestling match. If one of them doesn't convince you, the other will try! Matt was overwhelmed with the chaos they create--not to mention his opposing views! Don't they say never talk about politics or religion? We managed to pretty much skirt the religion issue.

Yesterday morning Matt came with me to Leu Gardens to give me some photography pointers. He showed me how to use some of the adjustments, and it was very helpful. He has written things down for me, but I am a much better student when I can see it firsthand. It rained just a tad, and that made for some good lighting, cooler weather, and of course the droplets on the flowers that I love to photograph!

1 comment:

sarah said...

Happy (late) Mother's Day! I love the flower photos. It was great for us to see Matt, too.

glad you are having good health days!

Kernel Panic Loop