Many of you know that Bruce and I met for the first time in 6th grade, but waited until 8th to become "boyfriend & girlfriend." After eight grade he decided to be test the waters a bit, but came back to me on September 25th (my mom's birthday), and we've been together ever since. Today it is extraordinarily rare to date only one person seriously in your life, but it has worked for us beautifully. Bruce is an extraordinary man, I've been a lucky girl to have found him so early in my life.
The night at the Ritz was awesome. The setting is beautiful, the companionship couldn't have been better, and the restaurant was wonderful. I really wanted a picture of the two of us, knowing that my baby camera would never cut it, Bruce went back up to the room to get the Nikon, and the server was kind enough to take this. He took a head on shot, but I like this one better. When in St. Lucia four years ago a person took a picture of us with this pose and it is precious to me. Come to think of it, Carol took one of us in California that is in my kitchen like this. Bruce is very photogenic, however, I am not. My eyes squint up so you can't even see them! I need to practice before the wedding because I don't want to mess up their pictures.
Speaking of which I thought of this the other day. So much time, effort, money, and stress go into a modern wedding. That you know already, but did you ever think that it is like celebrating getting up on the starting block in a swim meet? Generally we don't celebrate that aspect--it's the finish line that counts. What do you think?
I've listed a new blog on the site, "Feasting on Pixels." My friend Terrie, a gorgeous Frenchwoman living near Chicago, is an amazing, and I mean amazing photographer. True to her French heritage, she appreciates food in a way few Americans do. Her blog is filled with not only jaw dropping food photos but text that will make your mouth water, and you will learn some great food facts in the process. I can't recommend it enough. I could go on about her because her life has been so interesting but feast on it yourself.
In Florida there are two kinds of heat, neither of which are good, but I've decided the intense humidity heat is the worst. Today was one of those kinds of days at the little market. At least when the sun is blazing hot you can seek shade, no way with humidity, it envelopes you like a wet towel. Thank you God for air conditioning is all I can say. I could hardly wait to get home. At least today was not a shut out! Between yesterday and today I sold 18 pieces of various sizes. Oh yeah, guess what? Yesterday some folks who purchased something from me at the Baldwin Park Art Festival came to the market and ordered a canvas because they love the other one they bought from me. Now that is what I call special.
First, many felicitations to you and Bruce on your wedding anniversary...
You both look adorable in this photo.
May you have beaucoup, beaucoup more anniversaries to come and much happiness...!
Merci, merci beacoup, cher Gail for the very kind words that you wrote about me and my new bebe-blog...
It certainly hope I can live up to all this lavish praise. Merci mille fois for your friendship and support.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary, Gail and Bruce!
I am so envious (and in awe) that you were fortunate enough to have found true love in the 8th grade!
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