Monday, August 11, 2008

Whose an Idiot You Know?

The title refers to an overheard loud mobile phone conversation. Although mobile phones are convenient, hearing the stupid things people say to each other at high decibels is an inconvenient truth. The aforementioned speaker didn't look much like a braniac to me.

These are some new flowers I've planted out by the pool. They are so cheery but the lack of rain is going to make watering a top priority. As you know, it wouldn't quit raining a week or so ago, now it won't start.

I overslept this morning which should have told me something...I should have stayed home. A shut out--the first in a long time. The saving grace was that it was not blistering hot, with much lower humidity, making for a quick morning.

This afternoon I delivered the canvas I'm donating to the March of Dimes event. Amazingly the receptionist asked me if I did the Baldwin Park art festival to which I replied in the affirmative. She said, "I bought two of your large images for my living room." It's a small world after all. At first I didn't recognize her, as it was a few months ago, but she reminded me that I'd allowed them to take the images to their place to see what fit the best. It was actually a surreal moment for me, realizing that something I'd made was in a home. I know we've talked about this recently, how it is just starting to hit me what I'm out there doing.


sarah said...

gail, that photo is beautiful!!

Gail Peck said...

Why, thank you Sarah.

Amaya said...

Yeah, that is amazing to me too. What you capture is what someone admires over the couch every day!

Kernel Panic Loop