Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It Was So Hot Today.....

you could have fried an egg on the sidewalk, not that I'd want to mind you, but still...

You would think we were farmers in this house if you knew how early we got up today. Around 4:30 Bruce woke up worrying about some work detail. I woke up asking if it was time to get up. He decided to go to the office before he drove down to Vero to check on something. I laid there for some minutes and thought maybe since I was already awake I would do the same. Not go to the office per se, but get out with my tripod in the dark. I've had quite a lot of interest in my night photos of downtown and thought I'd add to the stash. As you can imagine I'm pooped right now after my early start. Bruce is still hard at work at the office. He's a work Ironman!

On the other side of downtown is a lovely area called College Park. I get people at the market from there asking if I have anything from their neighborhood. So far I've not found a whole lot but there is a nice view of the skyline from Lake Ivanhoe. That's what I set out to do. After taking some shots just after sunrise I got back in the car and started to drive away when something caught my eye lakeside. Naturally I quickly stopped and what to my wondering eyes should appear,not one, not two, but three otters! I'm sharing this bad picture today because I didn't get any good ones. When using the zoom it is easy to not hold the camera still enough thus the blur. That said, I wanted you to see what I saw. When I got out of the car they immediately jumped back into the lake with only their heads re-surfacing while I was there. I knew I needed to get home to do laundry, now that I know they are there I might return in the future.

Bruce sent me this little joke via e-mail suggesting I could relate:

Eleven people were hanging on a rope,under a helicopter.
10 men and 1 woman.
The rope was not strong enough to carry them all, so they decided that one had to leave, because otherwise they were all going to fall.
They weren't able to choose that person, until the woman gave a very touching speech.
She said that she would voluntarily let go of the rope, because, as a woman, she was used to giving up everything for her husband and kids or for men in general, and was used to always making sacrifices with little in return.
As soon as she finished her speech,
all the men started clapping . . . .

I spoke with Lisa today and bad stuff just keeps happening over there. Danny is slowly recovering from the radiation, but now has a cold, probably due to a weakened immune system. Lisa hurt her mouth in a freak accident and has been in pain for more than a week. Lastly, she is super sad because Amanda is moving with her boyfriend to Chicago this weekend. We discussed how mothers of girls find it harder to let go of their girls. Maybe it is just me--after the initial shock (really loss, I cried like a baby) of Matt leaving for college when he was barely seventeen, I've seen his moves, as well as Jonathans', as exciting adventures. I don't think it is because I love them any less, just differently.

Lunch with Dean at Nordstrom today was a talk fest. It was difficult not to interrupt each other while chatting about politics, the arts, restaurants, the paper, his column, the wedding, the boys; you get the picture.

Congratulations to Emily who normally reads this blog. I expect she'll be putting it aside for a while because she has a brand new baby girl! She and Pete are the envy of many--a boy followed by a little girl. Good stuff.

Kernel Panic Loop