Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Sun is in Hiding

As you can imagine I take loads of pictures of flowers--hey, you know the title of the blog! I decided to embed a little slideshow of some that are good, some not so much. You be the judge.

I took a field trip today to Mt. Dora, a charming town about 30 miles from Orlando. Because I was so close I decided to drive into Tavares, another small town in Lake County I'd never seen before. Both are pretty sleepy, but Tavares is more so. I believe Mt. Dora has grown more because of art; here's what I'm getting at. Some years ago (obviously I don't know how many or I'd tell you) Mt. Dora began hosting an outdoor art festival accepting only top notch artists. The word got around and these days around 250,000 people attend each spring. People coming to the festival saw the natural beauty of the area (gigantic lakes), the close proximity to a city, and there you go. I had a yummy salad for lunch in a quaint restaurant.

Unfortunately I'm not feeling up to par, so all of it was a stretch. I've been home for hours now lying down, and that's my plan when I finish typing.

I did speak with Mr. Bruce and the inspection went well--he makes it look easy but believe me it's not!

Last night I read a great article in The New Yorker about the Plant City Strawberry Queen. Talk about a small town way of life.
Listening to: The Verve - Virtual World
via FoxyTunes


Amaya said...

I especially like the pink flower on the black background.
Good thing you have that mini with all the driving you do! I can't imagine how much you'd be spending on gas if you drove my volvo!
And I'm sorry to hear that you're not feeling well.

Gail Peck said...

If you are referring to the twosome they are from a regular at the market. He brought them to me in a bag while we were setting up. I've never seen them before--very exotic.
Actually the MINI isn't driven enough. The market is only three miles away. The name of my business is "Out & About Photography" so I have to live up to it!

Kernel Panic Loop