I forgot to tell you about something funny that happened to me yesterday. I walked into the Mount Dora Art Center to not only look at the art, but to use the bathroom. This lovely stained glass window greeted me while in there. Waling in I saw a woman helping two other women with a purchase, so I didn't realize that the center wasn't really open. I found that out when I went out into the gallery to leave and found the door locked. I couldn't open it and was a bit stymied as to what to do. Fortunately some people were visible on the sidewalk outside, and I rapped on the window to get their attention. One of the guys was kind enough to go upstairs next door and find someone to unlock the door! That's a first. The oil paintings are from a Florida Highwayman exhibit. They got their name because they used to sell their paintings out of the back of their cars along the highway.
Watching the Olympics is inspiring. It serves to remind me that it is perfectly ok to take gazillions of photos. In fact, it's smart to take them every day. If you've never been a part of a family with a swimmer you can't imagine the practice that goes into swimming. When the boys were small they swam on a club team which required plenty of time. However, when Matt was in high school he swam for the team and we found out what practice was all about. He would arrive for practice at 5:30 in the morning, practice, go to classes for the day, then more practice finishing around 5:30 in the afternoon. It is grueling stuff, especially when it is cold, and the pool is unheated which is typically the case. Now imagine how much practice it takes to get to the level of an Olympian....it's mind boggling. Well, if I want to get better I need to practice like an Olympian. Fortunately I have the time to do so.
As you know David and Michelle are getting married on November 22. I've not been very involved and now I understand why. I was doing a little surfing on the Web about the role of the groom's mother and found this little bit of advice...the groom's mother should show up, shut up, and wear beige. I told Michelle I would comply with the first two, but beige is out of the question.
Most of the time I'm sure you forget that I'm a mother of four children; sometimes I can't imagine it myself. Cliches, as well as sterotypes, persist because they usually have a bit of truth to them. Not always mind you, but often they fit. As a mother of four sons I've always been prepared for this one: "A son is a son till he takes a wife, a daughter is a daughter all her life." Today I suppose it could be modified to a lover, but that's a discussion for another day.
Because Bruce is too busy to read this I'll let you in on the anniversary plans. While talking to Le Anne the other day she suggested we spend the night at the Ritz Carlton in town. We've got a room reservation for tomorrow night with dinner scheduled for the romantic restaurant. I hope Bruce won't mind spending one more night away from home. He's still not home and it's 10:40PM.
Listening to: Morrissey - We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful
via FoxyTunes
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