Thursday, October 19, 2017

A Mix of Sun and Rain

Wind, too. As in crazy windy, resulting in many of the beautiful leaves falling prematurely, although they do look amazing on the ground, maybe even more so?
Tuesday morning, while talking to Pam, the rain was pouring down with huge gusty winds, and then, it wasn't. It was as if a spigot were turned off, with one side of the sky blue, the other stormy, and then they both were blue. Immediately taking Baxter down, I was anxious to see what the wind had wrought.
Looking at the steps above, I spoke too soon about Baxter bounding up the steps; these days he won't go near them! Taking advantage of the unexpected sunshine, I immediately grabbed my cart, headed downstairs, and was on my way to Nesters for some much needed grocery shopping. One of the girls there is super nice, allowing me to store my cart with her while I fill the traditional shopping cart with groceries. The hope is that they will all fit once I get to the register, and indeed they did, albeit to the very top! Then the challenge was lugging it home which proved to really be no problem. Of course my camera is always available, and seeing this lovely scene I pulled up short, stopping for a photograph just as the nice homeowner arrived. He agreed it was a pretty scene. Who wouldn't?
You've seen these trees from the balcony vantage point, here are the park trees from street level.
Because it remained sunny, I went out again after lunch to head to Hudsons Bay. The television folks were busy too following the lull in the rain.
Before long the director called action...
Because I'd already walked on Seymour earlier in the day, I decided to take Granville Street, never disappointing, as it has such variety that it is always entertaining. Speaking of entertainment, using Drake Street to get to Granville, lo and behold, more filming, this time at the Yale Saloon where we went to hear that band play.
Using this website, which lists all current filming locations, I discovered it was for a television program called Six. So before I even got to Granville, there was something happening!

Although I've yet to visit The Templeton, I must, because I both love their sign, and their motto, which includes the phrase, Snappy Service.
Granville is a mix of everything. Walking down either side of the street you might see something like this,
which I've seen quite a number of times, however, this is my first time seeing a woman with a pet duck, apparently used to attract attention to her fortune telling business.
Just below the man's phone is her cart  filled with, well, I'm not entirely sure to be honest with you, but I know it has something to do with fortune telling.
I was on my way to The Bay, as they call it here, to exchange some pants I'd purchased on Sunday. The Bay fills nearly an entire city block, and the area around it is crazy busy, as you would hope a downtown would be. My mission completed, I exited the W. Georgia side, taking my place with the mass of black-clad humanity. Yes, there is a lot of black around here. The transit station is just across the street so people are rushing to and fro, passing the First Nations man selling carved woodwork, the jewelry seller, and the hot dog truck. A young man has set up a microphone and amp, singing Oasis songs for all he's worth to the passing crowd, hoping for some change. A girl passes me in the crosswalk wearing a jaunty beret, short skirt, and knee high boots, a welcome relief from the leggings I see everyone wearing. The smell of marijuana is unmistakable as someone walks the street smoking a joint, a not uncommon occurrence. In the next crosswalk, a man is holding up a cardboard sign with neat lettering, not asking for money outright, instead the sign says, Smile if you Masturbate. He looked as if he needed money.

I cut back over, using Bruce's terminology, that would be making lefts and rights, to make my way back to the condo before dark. As I grew near, I heard the fireworks going off for the production, although I was not close enough to actually see them.
This bad guy was taking a break from being a bad guy on the stoop in front of our building.
Should you be wondering how they make smoke for the movies, here's how:
They are gone now, finishing the lot clean up in yesterday's pouring rain. I stayed in all day, aside from the potty break task. Sewing is keeping me busy; I made a knit top!!
Although it was easy, I'm thinking the sleeves should have the print going the same way as the front, but I suspect when I'm wearing it I'll have a sweater on, so there's that consolation. In super exciting news, I almost have a shirt for each day of the week.
So my wardrobe now consists of four pairs of pants/jeans, six shirts, three pullover sweaters, two rain jackets and one coat. Oh yeah, two skirts and some tights. I'm getting there!

In other exciting news on the home front, I baked some cookies yesterday afternoon using the convection oven, and I could not be happier with the results.
I'd read somewhere it wasn't great for baking so I'd not given it a chance heretofore, however, I'm now a convert, thinking that once I get a regular cookie sheet, they will be perfectly browned!
Bruce braved the rain last evening to attend an ongoing class at church, while I tidied up the kitchen. I walked out on the balcony thinking perhaps the rain had stopped and lo and behold, it had, with even the tiniest bit of blue and orange left in the sky. Although the forecast was for rain all night long, I believe that tiny bit of sunset was what kept the rain away long enough for me to pick up the dry cleaning and some food for Baxter this morning.
The respite was short but enough for the tasks to be completed.

Lord have mercy, this is going to get interesting...

yours truly,


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