Monday, October 30, 2017

Almost Too Pretty to be True

So reminding me of the, almost garish, yellow of our Tabebuia trees back home that I love like crazy.
I believe the above is actually a Gingko tree, but don't quote me on that. Bruce tells me that the end of this gorgeous display is nearly over, but I don't want to believe him just yet. That said, I did see a little snowflake on my phone for later in the week when I checked the upcoming forecast. Yikes!!

In the meantime, I am loving every minute of it, and as last week's adventures show, I am taking advantage of the weather while I can. But, there are still real-life things to accomplish, one of which is me finally getting a haircut. Although Bruce has had several haircuts, and even Baxter has had one, I'd been gun shy, mostly because there are seemingly endless choices of salons. In about a two block stretch in Yaletown, I think I counted fifteen or more! Finally, a neighbor said she'd gone to the Aveda salon on Homer Street near Robson, so taking that cue, I made an appointment. Actually, I called in the morning, and they said they could see me at 4:30. No turning back now! For nearly ten years Monica is the only one who has done my hair, so I was a tad nervous, but needn't have been, because Enid, (her English name) was a delight, even allowing me to take her photo for before and after shots.
Enid moved here with her parents from Taiwan, speaking very little English. Her parents eventually returned to Taiwan, wanting her to do so as well, however, with her parents help, she lives downtown and has no intention of leaving. She washed my hair in a dim room, put hot towels on my neck, massaged my scalp, you name it. The one thing she did not do is use any product which was a little surprising, but given that I don't at home, why bother?
She thinned out as much as she cut off the bottom, and I am now get-to-go for several months! Woo hoo! Because I was most of the way there, I went over to Georgia Street to buy some comfy sole inserts at Hudson's Bay for Bruce. Although I'd seen this little alleyway in the daytime, at night, now that's a different story altogether.
I've rarely been out at night, however, the days are getting noticeably shorter, and what with daylight savings time ending this weekend, we sure will be out in the dark in the upcoming months.

Back in the daylight...more trees at the park.
Bruce returned from Seattle in the early afternoon and I had a plan. Let's walk along the seawall to the Cactus Club, another restaurant chain owned by one of the Fuller brothers. We'd yet to go since arriving, so with such spectacular weather, the timing was right. Nearly all of the restaurants in town have Happy Hours from like 3-6, so my plan was to arrive during that time and stay until at least sunset. Along the way, of course, there was both people and leaf watching. The AIDS memorial...
When I took this photo, I did not even notice the turquoise hammock strung between trees. I'm not the only one who was taking a photograph either.

The sun was warm, but I'm not so sure about wearing a bathing suit, with the straps pulled down, no less, in 50ish degree weather.
Sunset watching is taken very seriously here in Vancouver...
Walking home along Beach Street, this park sculpture now makes more sense to me. Called "The Engagement Rings", having seen it only in the daytime, I had no idea there were lights involved.
Saturday morning I had a few errands to complete, one of which took me along Seymour Street. The red trees! What can you say?
Generally, we need to walk through the park to get where we are going, not a bad thing, that's for sure. For weeks now, I've been watching, from the balcony, as these trees change color. Maybe I should actually say, the tops of these trees.
At any rate, they are looking pretty darn great now, aren't they? I wonder what more is in store? Seeing this scene street level, I had an idea. I'd had B take my photograph amongst the park flowers some months ago, making a summer shot. Remember, this adventure is all about the seasons. Not the Florida seasons, which I've deemed, "greater" and "lesser summer," the real seasons. As soon as he got home from the office I dragged him back down to take my photograph amongst the park trees.
New glasses, new shirt, and new hair. Leaves aplenty!

Does this man look like a super salesman to you?
Last weekend he drug us into a shop on Robson that sells skin care stuff. I am the world's laziest woman when it comes to that sort of thing, however, Tony convinced us that a product they sold would work wonders, and we need use it but once a week. Plus, it came with a facial for the two of us. I don't know if wonders are occurring this very minute, but the facial he did on me was nice while this sweet young Russian woman did one on Bruce.
Apparently, just as most nail techs, not all of course, but most, are from Viet Nam, loads of Russian girls work in the beauty department. At least that's what she told us.  (I took these while lying on my back and I'm astonished they even came out!) Try as he might, Tony was unsuccessful at getting us to buy another thing!

We were hoping to meet up with a friend, Carol, who was having a weekend in Vancouver, from the Seattle area, so we began our walk towards the hotel where they were staying. We had yet to take Robson all the way to Stanley Park, but now we have. The West End is full of surprises, like this hotel sign which I'm assuming has been here awhile.
There are lots of cute shops nestled amongst the hotels, and lots of fancy cars. This tree!!
Bruce had been over on the North Shore earlier in the week and told me the trees along Georgia Street were spectacular, and although I'd seen some further south, and they were good, this batch was outstanding!!
So thrilling seeing yet another part of the city that I'd yet to explore. Oh my goodness, now here's a water feature for you!
Sadly, in our rush to leave, I'd left my phone at home. Bummer! Bruce called the hotel, but whether or not they relayed the message, we've no idea, but the meet up did not happen. While we were awaiting her call, we saw this place, and who would want to forgo a visit when given the chance?
Bar  Grill View.....they sure have that right. We sat at the bar, which, of course, had to be photographed ASAP to send to our son Bill who is plum crazy for lit onyx. We had a lovely chat with the two woman seated next to us. A daughter who'd brought her Mom into the city from nearby Abbotsford for her 70th birthday.
Before we parted ways she said it was lovely to meet us, surprised that we were nice Americans, or something to that effect. :)

We made our way uphill, taking lefts and rights, and lo and behold, we came across the Chihuly glass lit up!
That was awesome, as was the fact that we came across the Rolex store. I know what you are thinking...however, we are not that rich; twelve years ago Bruce was given a Rolex by Blaine Sweatt at Darden, for doing exceptional work. He had only just said, maybe two days earlier, that he needed a link removed in the band. Mission accomplished!
By now, as you can plainly see with your own two eyes, darkness prevailed, and the city, particularly Robson Street, came alive with lights. Oh my!
I can hardly wait to see what it looks like come Christmas time!!

First things first though. Autumn, how I love thee.

yours truly,


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