Monday, October 16, 2017

Welcome to Vancouver!

I've heard that phrase, welcome to Vancouver, several times in the last few days, most recently about ten minutes ago while I was taking Baxter downstairs for a potty break. One of the ladies who lives on our floor was referring to the rain which has been intermittent up until now. Here's the next ten days forecast. Yikes!!
We can't say that we weren't warned ahead of time because we were, but reality may just be setting in today. Life goes on as if it weren't raining though, because, well really, what else are you going to do? Before we get into the rainy photographs, let's do some pretty ones, shall we?
I'm not sure which trees I like the most, the burgundy, the reddish orange, or the yellow, because they are all pretty darn great to me. Bruce has been having some computer issues this past week so one day he came home early and we walked to Urban Fare, through David Lam Park, to get a few things for dinner.
 On another sunny day I took this shot, well I didn't need to tell you that, now did I?
I have no idea how we got so lucky to have such magnificent views every day. Seriously! Because it is hilly, looking across False Creek, the houses look as if they are stacked with beautiful changing leaves amongst the buildings.
You are already familiar with the scene below but doesn't it look wonderful with the added beauty of the orange and yellow trees?
However, when the clouds hang low with moisture, it looks more like this.
Yikes!! We've been told numerous times that last year it rained every day for nearly five months, with barely any sunshine at all, which has this Florida girl feeling a tad nervous. It was easy not to think about it much when it was sunny, but now? Well, I must, and will, somehow get used to it.

Friday I took advantage of the dry weather and took the SkyTrain to Fabricana again. I've now used the blouse pattern I bought there, three times, completing number three this morning. Fabric from DressSew.
I am in love with the Kwik Sew patterns and bought four while I was there.
That would be my backpack atop the pattern drawers, should you be wondering. Another exciting happening on Friday was that our glasses were ready to be picked up. Bruce walked from his office, meeting me there after I'd walked from home. In a moment you'll see how spiffy he looks. One of these days B will take my photograph and I'll show you mine. Mint green should you be wondering. Cute too!

Maybe it was Thursday that we began seeing the empty lot being, once again, transformed for a film shoot.
The fellow told Bruce it was for a reality show, however, this morning, when filming began, I discovered he was not so truthful afterall. There is a website called What's filming in Vancouver, where I discovered it was for a television show called Legends of Tomorrow. Seeing this kind of activity from the balcony is what prompted me to question the whole reality show thing.
Over the weekend, Saturday was gloomy, but we did have some fun nonetheless. Before leaving for our date, we had a balcony visitor that stayed for like twenty minutes!
I'm telling you, the seagulls here are huge, more like the size of a small chicken! The dreary weather does make the tree colors seem more intense. The park is looking wonderful.
I do so hope the read will stay long enough for the rest of the trees to turn yellow. Won't that be fantastic?

We are missing everyone, but it seems as if fond reminders of friends pop up regularly. I can't walk on Beatty Street without thinking of David and Cheryle. It didn't hurt that there was an original MINI next to the sign!
Surprisingly, we are no longer completely anonymous. We decided to head over to Earls for dinner Saturday night and once there, it was crowded, so after a bit, we were lucky to be able to sit at the bar. Our seats were the very same ones we'd had about two weeks ago, and the same held true for Will, a fellow we chatted with that time. He was in the same spot, and this time he had a friend with him named Kevin. It has been very rare that any of the Canadians we've met have engaged us in a political discussion, however, neither Kevin nor Will had any qualms about bringing up the subject. So, he recognized us right away, and it wasn't long before Joe, from the office, and his husband came over to greet us. Holy Cow! Anyway, Kevin works on a television show that we had never heard of, despite the fact that they are now filming their thirteenth season. Well, duh on me. Now you can see how spiffy Mr. Peck looks.
Sunday was sunny!! It is amazing that we get to church on time when we are walking, whereas at home, we were always cutting it close.
The film industry has used the church countless times for productions, including X-Files. The little blue triangle you see on the far wall is what they use for "Heritage" buildings. Following church we walked over to Hudsons Bay, walking along one of my favorite "autumn" streets, Hornby.
This section of Seymour was closed off due to a Halloween parade. Yup, apparantly they celebrate that on any given day. I love how you can see the sails from Canada Place at the end of the street.
This morning I donned my new rain jacket with the hood, making the 2 1/2 mile roundtrip to DressSew for some more fabric. I was telling Matt last week that my most pressing need is for garments, and since I have what I need to make them, I am going to try and improve my skills in that area. Sewing with knits is not something I've done, but tomorrow I'm going to give that a try. I also bought a coat pattern. Ambitious? Yes, but when I think that I made one when I was 17, surely I can do the same now. The beautiful trees along the way helped to dispel some of the gloom.
My Canadian postal service woes continue. Last week I walked to the post office to mail a birthday card to my sister Maureen, writing that I hoped it would not take forever to arrive. Well guess what? This morning, I checked our mailbox, which is ordinarily empty, btw, and found the card I'd sent to Maureen in there!!! Can you believe it? Nancy, another sister. also has an upcoming birthday so, after having some lunch, I set out in the rain, drizzly more than anything, and went back to the post office, such as it is. The woman I actually handed it to last week made some excuse why it was returned to me uncanceled. Here's hoping it works this time! As I was leaving the condo, the film set was making smoke.
Then, on my return, I came across this! Now I know what those black clad people look like up close.
Way back at the beginning of this post I said I ran into our neighbor while taking Baxter down again. As I exited the door, which is just off the left side of the above photograph, I was told to wait because they were just fixing to call action. The street was filled with smoke and those black clad guys.

Welcome to Vancouver, indeed.

yours truly,


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