Tuesday, October 24, 2017

So I've Been Told

It must have been Sunday evening that I ran into our next door neighbor downstairs as I was taking Baxter out. Knowing that I am a photographer of sorts, he asked me if I'd been taking a lot of autumn photos. Well, we all know the answer to that question now, don't we? He added that the display this year was much better than last years, so how's that for good fortune for me? When I explained that I'd never experienced a true fall season, of course he was shocked. It's not that I have never seen fall leaves before, maybe twice, but never have I watched the actual day by day transformation and frankly, I am finding it thrilling, even if it means some ugly rainy days. I will remind myself of this fun sign I saw in a Robson Street shop window during the upcoming months.
It must have been Thursday morning, during a little break in the rain, that I got out early to pick up the dry cleaning and food for Baxter. Dark and dreary still, this brightened my morning.
There's a little corner on Davie called the rainbow corner with colorful chairs behind me and the painted street. Sadly though, there is this other side of Vancouver, also along Davie Street.
It is remarkable to me that people are allowed to do this, but as I was telling Bill yesterday afternoon, that whereas crime dominates the news in Orlando, the problem of affordable housing and its natural consequence, homelessness, dominate the news here.

Because, once I returned to the condo it still wasn't raining, I decided to brave it and walk to the library, hoping to buy some used books to read. Since we've been here, I have read a few books, one from Costco, one from Margie, another from the nearby thrift shop, and one from the library.
Because we will have to give everything away before returning to Orlando, I am loathe to spend the full price for a book, thus, the $3 price tag at the library suits me well. It wasn't long after beginning my walk that it began raining which does not stop film production, even though it is inconvenient. I came across some folks filming a Christmas themed movie.
That Santa on the light pole was super cute in person. Happy days, I found four new books for $15!
My hooded rain jacket worked beautifully I might add. I looked around the library a bit more, visiting this interesting exhibition on the third floor.
Although not pictured above, there were some great old black and white photos from long ago.

Bruce went to Seattle on that rainy day, not returning until 9PM, so he decided to work at home on Friday. I did some sewing, while he did some work. Let's go out to lunch honey because the rain has stopped. I'm learning that if you don't want to get wet, get out while you can! We went to the Templeton that I mentioned in my last post.
Super cute, it has been a diner since the 30's, beginning life as Adele's Cafe. It must have been in the 50's that a jukebox was added, although apparently it is temperamental as our little box didn't work during our visit.
The food was yummy, it was cozy, and we finished the meal with a little sundae.
Later on we went to a "cd release" party at the Wise Hall. Scott Smith, the husband of one of Bruce's co-workers, has multiple bands and is so darn talented. The Vancouver Sun did a big piece on him the day of the event.
Built in the 50's as a wedding venue/dance hall/whatever, gathering place, it is super retro inside with a balcony hidden by a lattice screen on three sides of the large room.
Although not far, in East Vancouver, we took a cab there as Bruce is not fond of night driving; the drivers are very chatty here which, of course, pleases me to no end. The band was terrific, and it is so great that we have the opportunity to mingle with the locals.
We stayed out late, at least for us, so when Bruce returned from a morning at the office Saturday, he snuggled up with you know who.
Baxter mostly spends his days sleeping and eating, resisting all efforts to take him along on walks.

Sunday dawned, while not quite sunny, at least the relentless rain of Saturday seemed to have stopped. Our walk to church was filled with marveling at the gorgeous colors everywhere you look, followed by lunch, and a stop at the Winners on Robson Street. Bruce, for the first time in his life is now sporting some snappy, colorful, striped socks. Can you believe, that not only has this man set up a camp on the street, but that there is a Five Guys here?
Oops, I almost forgot, I had Bruce take my picture in Nelson Park near the church so you could see my new glasses.
Then too, that is the new top and skirt I made, while the sweater is from Hudson Bay's.

Anyway, when we got home, I changed into some jeans and tennis shoes, convincing Bruce to head back out to see the leaves at Queen Elizabeth Park. From the balcony I could see that the city is just filled with color.
Taking the Sky Train, we walked the few blocks there, mostly uphill with Bruce asking, "how much further?" Reminding him that we had a lay about on Saturday, so getting out as much as possible on Sunday was a good thing, we carried on.  Once there, he agreed wholeheartedly. He's not one to take very many photos, but who can resist when it looks like this?
Today is bright and beautiful so another trip may very well be in my future! I took him to the bridge over looking the big garden. Oh my! I once had a calendar with a very similar photograph, never dreaming I'd be taking one years later.
Because darkness was approaching, which by the way, the days are sure getting shorter aren't they?, we decided to head back with Bruce leading the way. The last time I was there I had a heck of a time finding the way out.
Wait honey! Now that we are on the lower part, I've just got to see those trees up close. So did this young woman.
As I began yesterday's walk along the seawall, I overheard a woman talking on her phone, saying it truly is spectacular this year. Indeed, so I have been told now, twice.

Yours truly,


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