Monday, May 19, 2008


Just a few miles from home this morning my mobile rang with the news that the little market was canceled due to weather--yipee for two reasons--one, we desperately need rain, and two, household chores beckoned.

Rewind to Friday night and the concert. Apparently the reviewer from our newspaper saw a different show then we did. Elvis Costello and the Imposters were terrific with loads of energy; the keyboard player is amazing. In contrast, we felt like The Police were going through the motions with very little in the way of chemistry either onstage or with the crowd. Our reviewer claimed it was a generous set with fresh interpretations of old favorites, on this point we disagree. After one hour they left the stage, entirely too short for the price of the tickets in our opinion. While true that they came back on but really just do the whole show and be done with it. Enough said.

What's really got me excited is a show Maureen and I attended on Saturday over at the Brevard Art Museum in Melbourne. I'm putting up links to both exhibits we saw, if you've time take a look, I don't think you'll be disappointed.
Cut Paper Art
I've Got a Secret
When I saw the PostSecret listing in the paper Friday I immediately called Maureen knowing she is a big fan. We took off around 9 for the hour plus drive--so totally worth it. The cut paper was an added bonus providing a bit of a cheerful antidote to the post cards. While some of the post cards were cheerful, many of them were sad, revealing dark secrets, some unimagineable to me, however very real to the person sending it. Many of the cards showed amazingly creative artistic talent After the exhibit we ate lunch at this lovely little restaurant across the street with what Maureen dubbed, an enchanted garden. Marvelous.

After the market yesterday the manager and a few vendors went across the street to celebrate Bruce's birthday at the wine bar. I imagine this is the first time he's had Happy Birthday sung in both a Spanish version, as well as a Puerto Rican version. Bruce has recently been setting me up then returning later to load it all back up. With his overwhelming work load this is allowing him just a bit of desperately needed down time.

I'm thrilled to report that results of Danny's bone scan were negative. Radiation starts this week--many, many treatments.

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