Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Does Wine Count?

Fruits and Vegetables
Here is my dinner from last night--do you think wine counts as a fruit? When I read articles like the posted one I'm astonished anew how much research is done about everything. Of course people don't eat vegetables because they don't like the taste--who needed a study to determine that? I suspect people don't eat as much fruit as recommended because it is so expensive. Bruce eats an apple every morning and sometimes they cost as much as $1 for an apple. I know that doesn't really sound like that much but when a poor person is faced with the decision about $1 for an apple or $1 for a breakfast sandwhich from McDonalds it doesn't take too much thought to figure out which one they'll choose. Apples may be good for you but they certainly don't fill you up and keep you going until lunch if you've got a physically demanding job which is the unfortunate situation many people find themselves in. Nonetheless, the dinner looks pretty doesn't it? Mashed potatoes rank in my top five food favorites as do tomatoes.

When I was a young girl I had a friend in the neighborhood named Mary B. Harris. We called her Mary B. all the time. Recently I came across some frozen biscuits by that name and I'm here to tell you they are delicious!! I love those things. They taste as good as they look. Here's to Mary B.

My heavy bangs are working well at keeping my cowlick under control, however the waves in the back are proving very hard to manage. When Ken cut my hair he used a razor which was a new experience for me. People mentioned later that it should lay better with that kind of cut. Indeed it does lay down, if, and only if, I make sure it is totally dry before going out in the humidity. Yesterday I left for the museum with a cursory blow drying and I've paid the price! On the plus side it is much cooler having the hair off my neck!

Today I got to drive Bruce to St. Lucie and I continued on to Jupiter. My brother Pat told me about a beach there with rocks, a novelty in Florida. After researching it I found that it is called Blowing Rocks Preserve, owned by the Nature Conservancy. I'll write more tomorrow about all that. For now I just want to say how grateful I am for family and friends who tell me about great places to be out and about.

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