Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I've Got an Agent!

First the photo--as you know I take pictures of the market every week documenting things for our manager . Remember the man with the bunny on a leash from a while back? The girl carrying the skunk did not even register with me as I was walking towards the them using my zoom to catch the crowd. After uploading the pictures, I discovered that people will make a pet out of any animal!

You've been on this photography journey with me long enough to realize that you never know what is going to happen next. My blog title is a bit misleading, but hey, I wanted to get your attention. Seriously, remember the condo staging about six weeks ago? Maria called last Monday and we decided she could keep the stuff there for a few more weeks as they were hoping the owner would lower the price bringing more potential buyers. On Friday she called with news that someone on the eighth floor was looking for some pieces for their home with Maria steering them towards my stuff. The upshot is she is mailing a check for $695 to my house for two of the canvases!!!! She's not my agent, but she'd make a good one wouldn't she?

Surprisingly the market was amazing for me on Sunday; I delivered a big canvas to a an attorney downtown yesterday and two more are being shipped to a young man in Virginia today. It is getting really hot, the market is bound to slow down soon, however, we'll enjoy the good times while we can.

Amanda, Lisa and Danny's eldest daughter not only got graduated this weekend, she also got engaged! She and Matt have been sweethearts for years now so we knew it was coming, but were taken by surprise by the timing. He is having heart surgery today to fix a long standing problem--wish him well please.

Last night Roger lent me his Nikon D40 to use for the shoot on Friday. I'm planning on practicing during the week to get me up to speed. Today while I'm at the Polasek sitting by myself in the gallery I'll try and study the camera to become familiar. Just so happens there is plenty to photograph around there.

Listening to: Malkmus, Stephen - I've Hardly Been
via FoxyTunes

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