Today was the first day without sunshine since the art show I did way back in April. Unfortunately, although it was gray, we had very little rain which we sorely need. We leave tomorrow after lunch to go to Siesta Key to Bruce's friend, and colleague, Steve's condo on Siesta Key. He's having a big party on Saturday which I'm sure will be loads of fun. If all goes well we won't be returning until at least Sunday afternoon.
Now that we have Baxter these kind of trips prove challenging trying to find someone to care for him in our absence. This trip he'll stay across the street at Angela and Matt's house. They adore him, and having no dog of their own are delighted to take over Baxter duty for a few days. Bruce, of course, will worry about our little cutie.
Rewind to yesterday. I arrived at noon, which as I may have previously posted is the worst time to take beach shots; the sun is entirely too bright at that time but I did what I could. What surprised me, aside from the fantastic rock formations, was the color of the sand, and the calm water. I can't remember a time when the Atlantic Ocean was as calm as it was yesterday in that place. I'm not sure if it is the presence of the rocks, or what, but it was really something. As well, the water was crystal clear as you can see--another surprise. I hope at some point to be able to go there at high tide to see the water flying up in the air some fifty feet according to the Nature Conservancy site. My search on flickr for a picture of it was fruitful--it looks awesome! I'm showing you a spot where the waves come crashing in. Up and down the coast the sand is a different color from very white in Ponce Inlet, orange in Flagler Beach, yellowish in Vero, off-white in Cocoa, and gray in Jupiter. The darker the color, the hotter the sand gets. Yesterday it was 95 degrees (!!!) making the sand super hot to bare feet. I dropped my reading glasses, first in the ocean, and then on the sand. Fortunately for me I realized they were not in my pocket when I got back on the boardwalk and retraced my steps to find them. Because you cannot really swim there are almost no people around, another weird site at a Florida beach.
In my zeal to get my files together I put the utility bill for this month in a file, forgetting to pay it--duh!! Fortunately a courtesy call (oxymoron) today reminded me of my faux pas. All fixed.
When Matt lived in Atlanta he took us to a restaurant called Agnes and Muriel. As is always the case with anything Matt introduces us to, it was not only trendy, but good as well. That Christmas he surprised me with their cookbook which really began my cooking transformation. For years I cooked essentially what my mother cooked which was good, but nothing wrong with change every now and then. One of our favorite recipes from the book is for a rub for bar-b-que ribs. The cooking method is innovative as well making for the most tender ribs you can imagine. The rub recipe has proved to be a favorite of everyone who tries it. Last Christmas I made some to give to a few of Bruce's friends at work for Christmas. It may have taken Jeff a while to try it, but he's now clamoring for more. Yeah to Matt, but you knew that didn't you?
Listening to: Kraftwerk - franz schubert
via FoxyTunes
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