Monday, May 12, 2008

The Weekend

Craigslist Defense
During our dinner out with Bruce's mom and Judy and Cris I told them about Craigslist. Funny that this article should appear today. Essentially I mentioned that it works like a charm and it was putting a strain on the daily newspaper's advertising revenue. Craig has something to say about that. The dinner was nice--both company and food.

We didn't end up going out on Friday night because our Mr. Bruce was just plain too tired. He's been traveling four days a week; while on the road it is not unusual for him to put in a fourteen hour day if you can imagine.

Another Mother's Day is behind us. I kinda have this thing against what I call "card company" holidays. Funny thing is, I do like to get a card on Mother's Day although it's not mandatory. This was my first Mother's Day when I got a text message--guess who sent that. I tried to get David to come to the market, but he declined. In fairness he was all set to come over after dinner, as was Bill but I declined. I had a decent day at the market which was a VAST improvement over last years. I wish our Matt could see me now. Last year he flew in from London for two days during which time he taught me a lot about my camera. But back to the market---he said maybe if people were there they might buy something. Our new manager has made incredible improvements to the scene. Her background is marketing which she has put to good use. The traffic is up at least ten fold! As well, I now have regulars who visit. One young man keeps bringing friends to buy the graffiti print. I've told folks that people of all ages love it although this is the first time a toddler has approved. She was so cute, just ran right up to it, touching it and squealing with delight. Notice her precious little shoes will you? Her heritage is Icelandic. What a cutie!

Forgive me, I digress. I was just too tired and was sound asleep by 8:30! I slept till 6:30 this morning, and drug myself out of bed to go to the little market. Because Bruce has built Olive Gardens all over the country, I always have something to talk about with the customers. More often than not, they've been to one of his restaurants.

While there I read an article in The New Yorker about the preservation of folk music, a term I'm using very broadly. Here's a quote: "Fame in folk music can be less a matter of talent than of opportunity.." Isn't that pretty much the way it is in all endeavors? Matt related that Madonna put on a good show, exciting the crowd with her presence. She's a good example of not that much talent, but boy does she know how to entertain!

If anyone can remind me how to make a picture my desktop I'd appreciate it. I want to put our little Baxter on there for now.

Lastly, I think I'm no fan of Mother's Day because I no longer have one.
Listening to: Pete Yorn - Murray
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

Amaya said...

First, if you right click on the picture of Baxter it should give you the option to set it as a background picture.
Second, I'm sorry Mother's Day wasn't special but I do find it very interesting that you don't like 'card company holidays'. Justin hates them! People always get upset when they ask me what he did for Valentines Day and I tell them he doesn't celebrate it... but I don't mind (anymore). In fact I admire the fact that he's not willing to just go along with it. Christmas is another example, but he has a harder time getting out of that one.

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