Sunday, March 25, 2007

Cheaper than Shoes

Because Bruce can fix, or make just about anything, my illness has been extraordinarily hard for him. He has not been able to fix my body, however, the gift of the camera has done wonders for my mind. He is packing the car with our stuff for the show as I type. I am worthless these days in that department. I will be able to sit and visit with folks as they come by(we hope).

We had gotten our frames thus far from Costco but they told us they were no longer carrying them. This threw a bit of a monkey wrench in our plans, but Bruce suggested we go out to the Altamone store and double check that they didn't have anymore. Indeed, they had six more boxes which alleviates our dilemma for the short term. See how positive I'm thinking?

I must add a rejoinder concerning Friday's post. I would never have made it through the first six weeks of my illness as my dear sister Lisa, not only came and stayed at our home to care for me, but on a day she couldn't come, she arranged to have one of her friends take over. I was pretty pathetic last summer. Her sweet husband, Danny, sent not just once, but twice, the most beautiful rose bouquet that a girl could ever want. She accompanied me to doctor's visits, and in general, has been a GREAT support system. How would we ever manage without our families?

So, my new hobby is much cheaper than a shopping hobby. It seems this season, it's all about polka dots.


Leebe said...

Your sister must really be something special.

Gail Peck said...

She is indeed!

Kernel Panic Loop