Monday, March 19, 2007

Doctor Visit

My dear Dr. Everett was shocked to see my feet and hands, however, it has given him a new direction to look. He left me in the exam room for about 15 minutes to do research I think. When he returned he ordered four more vials of blood to be drawn, as well as some specialized urine test. He is thinking something with the autonomic nervous system. He also mentioned a possible biopsy of my muscles and nerves. I don't know what that would entail--it does not sound fun, but if a diagnosis could be made, it would be worth it. He also said he was going to discuss my case with another physician who specializes in that area.

I ended up in tears, per usual, as it has been a long road these past nine months. You get so frustrated trying to make them understand that you are not a whiner, and something is wrong. I never even had a physician (aside from a gynecologist) until all this happened as I have been fortunate enough to have been extraordinarily healthy. He has tried to find the problem but when he could actually see the evidence it made it more urgent. I am to return in two weeks.

After a frozen pizza for dinner, Bruce quizzed me on Geology--wish me well, the test is at 8:30 in the morning.


matt said...

i'm really sorry to hear about the doctor visit, mom. i hope something will come out of one of them eventually.

good luck on the test today. i'll be thinking about you.

Gail Peck said...

Thank you sweetie--I'm feeling more hopeful than I have in a long time that they will find the culprit!

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