Friday, March 9, 2007

Out & About Photography

Well, I had big intentions when I went to sleep last night but they didn't pan out on awakening. I am feeling very poorly today. It is hard to describe but my feet get purple if I sit for very long and I'm just very tired. My plan was to go to the beach and take photographs but I had to settle on downtown, a two mile drive, rather than 60. I was out for about two hours and stopped at the library on my way back to the car. I hope to read a novel or two on my break.

I was hoping to get some photos that would be interesting to guys, thus this one. It's really kinda funny as I'm in the picture, taking the picture, and I think there is a guy coming out of the building across the street as well. Everyone who knows us, knows that Bruce is a "Bass" guy; he calls himself a beer elitist.

Bruce has designed and made the business cards--I'll post a photo tomorrow. I think they turned out really great--he is our project manager, a role he knows well.

I'm going to have to lay down now--just too tired. One last thing, Bruce took Baxter back to vet, they gave him an anti-inflammatory shot and a second antibiotic. He is still puny, like me.

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