I also finally got around to properly loading my Shuffle with tunes that I love. Jonathan has taught me how to empty my recycle bin on the computer so now all those pictures I delete will really be gone and free up some space on my hard drive for more pictures.
I got an email from Winkflash yesterday that my photos have been shipped; I can't wait till they arrive. I was trying to put some groupings together to frame and I discovered that I wasn't happy with some of the photos I had ordered before. I want to be ready for anything.
My dear friend Judy called and left a message that she had actually read the blog and liked it. As well, her live in ex-husband liked my photos. I was so happy to receive the encouragement. I returned her call and we discussed me taking the summer off from school--I've registered for three classes but I still will need four hours so I'm mulling it over.
As you know, my name for the photo business is "Out & About" so on my way home I stopped at a bird store I have passed scads of times. I chatted with an Indian woman and her son who were there visiting the birds and naturally I took some photos of the birds. The workers were very sweet and did not give me any grief regarding picture taking. I also stopped at the bakery next to my produce market and asked if I could photograph the cakes etc. They were nice as well.
Time to take little Baxter for a walk; he seems tired today--I hope he is not having a relapse! My sister Maureen sent me a email with a new Ralph Lauren ad--it includes Baxter's clone.
We ate dinner last night by the pool--the first time for the season. Bruce has gone to Detroit today so tonight, it's just me.
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