Saturday, March 31, 2007

New Car

I'm not sure if Bruce and I will ever become big consumers. We lived so many years frugally that it is second nature to us. That said, we both have nice cars now. Bruce's lease on his BMW ran out and today he got a new one. He is fairly ambivalent about it, and I have not even ridden in it yet. We have both lived long enough to understand that material goods are just that material. I feel bad that we will have to load all the stuff in it in the morning. That should be amended, Bruce will do all the work, bless his dear heart.

It is amazing how much preparation goes into our set up for the market. I like to show a few new pieces and they need price tags, and names, and framing. I had some pictures done at Costco ; I went early to pick them up. Bruce picked up a frame at Sam Flax so I will have one big piece. Hopefully, someone will like it, or at least they should! That sounds pretty arrogant doesn't it? Just thinking positive.

We will celebrate Bill and Dave's birthday when we get home; hopefully I will be up to it!

1 comment:

Leebe said...

Cool car! You deserve it! Happy Birthday to the boys.

Kernel Panic Loop