Monday, March 12, 2007

The Display

Here is the first half of the display! Bruce is hanging things so that we can get an idea how it works; it works just great. He used a hardware cloth that he attached to a frame he made; he then covered that with the cloth you see, and attached it using screen spline so the edges are very neat. There is a hinge in the middle so we can fold it and put it on top of the car. That will be the next challenge; Bruce has roof racks for his BMW, however there will be a bunch of stuff.

As you can see, Baxter is up and running once again, thank goodness.

This is my first week day of Spring break and we took a little walk around the neighborhood this morning--naturally, I found flowers to photograph. I ran a very few errands but I'm worn out, so back at home in front of the computer again.

Hopefully tomorrow I will be perkier, and able to take advantage of this nice weather. In the mean-time, I am clearing out photos from Picassa as I have probably taken at least 1,000 photos in the last two months--not all of them good! I'm sure I will need the space for the next 1,000.

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