Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Fried Green Tomatoes

If you have never tried them, I urge you to do so. Because my parents were from the Midwest, we ate very little Southern food at our house. That was both good and bad; they had it at our elementary school cafeteria and it smelled, and looked horrible! It was bad enough having to eat peas at home without adding collards and cabbage cooked all day to mush. That said, I wish we had eaten fgts. There probably isn't enough time left in my life to eat as many as I would like.

Baxter is still sad and in pain--it's breaking our hearts; if he doesn't improve by tomorrow, I'm going to take him back to the vets and make sure he is healing properly. We don't need two sickies in this house!

I went to an internship q & a today; I had no idea you had to pay for the privilege of being an unpaid employee! It is the cost per credit hour, as well as a $65 fee. I'd really like to try something entirely different than my past life, something that uses different skills. The people thing though--I'm good at that; it needs to have lots of interaction with people. I've got to do a resume, something I haven't done in 12 years; I got a packet from school telling me how to do it. First thing though is I have to finish math homework and prepare for two tests on Thursday. You know what I'll be doing tonight.

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