Gosh we had a good day today. I say that, but poor Bruce has a miserable cold of which he gets very few, so that was the only bummer. He loaded the car in record time, but our setup at the market still takes longer than we wish. We sold seven pieces today! Wow, huh? We had a few visitors that we know, including my friends Judy and Don, as well as my mother in law and a friend of hers. Also, one of the doctors I used to work with happened by and that was nice. He bought the black and white taken at the Chanel store. People were friendly today and Baxter was markedly improved over last weeks barking mania.
We are getting to know the markets rhythms a bit -- who are the regulars, and what have you. This picture is of a man who hangs around much of the day from one of the retirement high rises. He asked me to take his picture because I looked like a professional--little does he know. Anyway, he is quite the character; he wants to submit a picture of himself along with a letter to the local newspaper. I hope he likes it.
I had to drive the new car today and it does not have a regular key. I went to get it to load when we were ready to leave but I couldn't start it. Apparently, you put this faux key in the slot, have your foot on the brake, and push the start button. I don't know the advantage to this method, but I'll know next time.
Bill, Leanne, Dave, and Sam (the singer in Bill's band) came over for dinner. It was hastily put together, and certainly not my best, but it's the spirit that counts huh? My twin babies--28years old! They are wise for their age.
Matthew called from London, and boy, did he sound great. He is really getting settled in his new life and that makes a mother very happy. I believe his first business trip will be to Moscow soon! I did not get to chat nearly as long as I would have liked but it was late on the other side of the Atlantic.
Tomorrow, I must not get side-tracked and study for my algebra test on Tuesday morning.
I think he looks very dapper in his hat!
Congrats! Sounds like your space at the market is becoming a success!
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