Friday, April 13, 2007

Could I Have Been Anyone Other Than Me?

I wonder if my college career will answer that question. Do you suppose that when Dave Matthews wrote that song more than ten years ago he ever dreamed that he would indeed be a magnet for money? Our son Dave sure is.

Here's our little Baxter after his shampoo and haircut--it wore him out! Alissa comes to the house and has done it in the kitchen in the past, however, today she brought her own little salon in the form of a trailer. I'm glad she is doing well as she is a nice girl.

When it rains it pours I guess. Not only do I have a cold sore on my bottom lip, but last night after dinner at Tijuana Flats I came home with my tummy hurting a bit. That is not unusual for me but waking up at 4am is. I believe I had a slight case (by that I mean no vomiting) of food poisoning. Wow, was it miserable. I had a 7am appointment for a teeth cleaning which I went to with no shower or even my face washed. Fortunately, Karen knows me well, and my stomach stayed quiet throughout the procedure.

Well, here's some news. I got an email from some guy with a news service (reader generated I think?) out of Vancouver asking me if he could use one of my pictures from flickr for a story about dogs in strollers. Naturally I said yes, I have definitely seen plenty of that sort of thing at the market downtown--it is a veritable dog-fest.

Is it just me, or do you buy clothes with little packets of buttons with them? It seems as if the clothes that never lose their buttons include extras; the ones you could really use are no-shows.

1 comment:

Amaya said...

Dancing Nancies is one of my favorite songs! I often wonder about the effects of fate and what might have been.

Kernel Panic Loop