Monday, April 2, 2007

Names and Faces

Our son Bill has always been upset with us for his middle name. It is Rolla, his great-grandfather's name on the Peck side. It isn't the greatest name, but hey, it doesn't hold a candle to a name I saw in the obituary notices today. A woman's deceased husband's name was Tape--can you imagine? Hers was Edna, so there you have it, Edna and Tape. Wonder who he was named for? This is birthday Bill.

I was remiss for not mentioning that Jeanette came by with I assume her new boyfriend, Tom. I hope it is her boyfriend as he seemed like a very kind and interesting man. Jeanette is one of those friends who I see infrequently, have known for 25+ years and I love. It's just we don't get together often enough. She said--keep taking pictures, you're doing well and I'd tell you if you should stop!

I have spent about four hours on logarithms. It is a wonderful thing to have resource tools on-line. I found a website for West Texas A&M, and the material was presented so clearly, and concisely, that I may have gotten it. As all who read this blog know, my algebra teacher leaves much to be desired. I need to get on with my Shakespeare paper--better read the play first!

On February 22 I posted a picture of a cardinal couple on our pool furniture. Well, this little couple has been driving me crazy with their chirping outside my office window. It's still cool enough here that we do not need the AC yet--thank God. Anyway, back to the cardinals--I discovered the reason they are there every day is that they have a nest in the palms. It is directly next to the window-- I tried in vain to photograph the egg inside. I stood on something and held my camera over it; no luck, I'm too shaky, and my arms got too tired. One of the reasons they have driven me mad is because they will not sit still long enough to have a photo made--I'm still trying. I looked up just now and there was papa bird looking in. Observing them, I noticed that in a similar fashion to most human relationships, it is the female who makes all the noise.

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