Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sunday Night

Bruce is a man in love--you can tell by how much work he does for our Sunday show. As mentioned in the past, it is quite a task to set it all up, and today we only had three sales. Part of the problem is that many people come without money, or at least not an extra $40 to buy my pictures! We did have plenty of lookers however, and some promise to come back another Sunday. They may be making that up entirely, but we'll have good faith that some of them may. The crazy thing is today one lady loved this one grouping of vegetables--she said I'm going to walk around the lake and be back. Well, we've heard that one before. In the meantime, another lady came and bought it immediately. The first lady came back to get it, and well, you know the rest of the story. She took my card and said she would e-mail me..we shall see.

I did one really stupid thing today. There is a swan that was sitting on this big nest in the dry area of the lake where they have been draining it. Upon returning from a bathroom break I saw she was off the nest and I climbed over this fence to see what the eggs were like. I came down funny on my right ankle. I'm hoping it will only be a temporary thing, but it is not feeling just right. Bruce called to me but it was too late. He is afraid my joints etc. are too weak right now to be acting like a kid.

I saw the chicks beaks crying for food and when we got home I tried to get a shot, but the picture is not great, so today you will be seeing the swan. Now those are some big eggs.

Matt called and he is heading to Moscow in the morning. I implored him to take his camera. He is an amazing photographer, unfortunately, he is too busy of late to show it off.

Yesterday morning my sister Maureen called to tell me about a photo op in her garden; following in quick succession was an e-mail from my neighbor Regina about her gardenias in bloom--did I want to come down? People are getting to know me, huh?

I must begin my studying for the finals--only three test to go before I am able to put this miserable semester behind me. Bill and Leanne brought her parents, and grandparents to the market today and he said I was going to college for entertainment. Ha! I said it isn't entertaining--it is hard!!!


Mrs Uyopong said...

Lucky you Gail - what's your secret to keep your man still madly in love with you?

I love the shot of that Momma Swan who is very protective over her eggs...

your friend,

Gail Peck said...

I'm a lucky girl to have such an extraordinary husband.

Kernel Panic Loop