Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Paper is Done!

I've finally written the paper for Humanities--I usually enjoy writing, I don't know why I put it off for so long. I am becoming a typical college student, putting things off until the last minute. As well, my grades are becoming more typical with any hopes I had for an A in algebra vanishing with the results of my last test--a 73! All of what I studied for in geology I got right on the test yesterday, however, he asked some questions that I did not study for, consequently, I got them wrong. It was a 50 question fill-in-the blank test, I missed enough to get an 83. All in all, a disappointing day at school yesterday. This is one semester I can hardly wait to finish!

Although I don't like dreary days, yesterday's dreariness finally led to much needed rain. Throughout the night it rained and apparently we had a power surge. What that meant to me was that the paper I started yesterday vanished--all 500 words. It was probably just as well as it wasn't very good. Hopefully, the new one is.

I saw this blooming plant at the rainforest on Saturday. Last summer, before I was hospitalized, I bought ten of them at a local nursery. They sat in their pots for weeks as our household was turned upside down with me being in bed for six weeks. When Greta came and stayed with me, she offered to plant them because she is such a sweetheart. Finally, Bruce, and Bill, planted them, and they add much needed color to our landscape. I had no idea that they bloomed ; I hope ours does soon.

Update on the homeless man beaten by children--made up story. Our paper today reveals he was too drunk to know what happened; I feel sorry for the children he accused and their parents. We'll see what the next installment brings. They also saw fit to put Lisa Nowak and her gear on the front page, using up about 1/3 of space that should be devoted to more serious issues. When will they learn?

The day is still young and I believe I may go shopping for some shoes to cover my afflicted feet; I'm sure you already knew my camera will be going with me.

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