Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Dark Day for Seminole Fans

Saw this disgusting building while doing errands. It's not enough that they won football, but now basketball as well. We'll never hear the end of this!

I wish I had worn makeup when I went grocery shopping yesterday afternoon. As regular readers know, I am a weakling and I avoid those kinds of tasks until I can't any longer. Anyway, I ran into at least five people I know well. I chatted with some, some I just said hi to; they all know I'm sick, but usually I take precautions to cover it up. Not so yesterday. It must have been the outfit but several said I looked thinner. Now some people like to hear that sort of thing; I am not among them; I have lost the muscle tone in my arms and legs but it is so darn hot in Florida, I have to wear shorts, and short sleeves shirts or I'll melt. This afternoon it was 86 degrees--the AC was turned on.

Good news--I didn't leave algebra in tears after the test. I really have no idea what I got, but at least I knew generally how to do the majority of the problems. I tried to get the prof to scale down the amount of problems, but the kids want a lot so they can miss more. I usually feel the pressure of time with so many, but I managed ok today. One more chapter test in there in two weeks and then the final--yippee, I've almost made it.


Leebe said...

There is nothing worse than sour grapes from a Seminole!!!!GO GATORS!!!

Gail Peck said...

Haha! I knew that was coming!

Kernel Panic Loop