Thursday, April 26, 2007

Two Down, One to Go

You can imagine what I did first thing when I got home today. Yes, you were right--I threw all my algebra stuff in the trash! The test was typically hard; although she allows you to replace an earlier test grade with the final grade if it is better, I'm sure that won't work in my case. On the other hand, the geology test was multiple choice and I got a 96! Bruce was kind enough to ask me the questions last evening even though he was very tired from his trip, and, it worked! I took this picture of my sweetie a few Saturdays ago at the Art Center in Maitland.

I will take the Humanities final in the morning as planned, and that will be that. I've made it through a very tough semester! My plan is to go through my house, room by room, and do a thorough cleaning. That depends on if I can stay home instead of going out to take photos, and, of course, that remains to be seen.

As well, it depends on my test results. Bruce was dismayed when he realized the test would be painful, and I'm not thrilled about it, but it must be done. It is scheduled for 9:30 Monday morning. There is also the little matter of having the energy to accomplish my plans, however, I plan to cross that bridge when I get to it.

Although I've taken hundreds of flower photos, we have almost none in our yard. I'd like to see if I can do something about that as well.

Matt returns to London today from Moscow. He told me people arrive for dinner there as late as 11pm on a work night! I wonder what time they get up in the morning.

1 comment:

matt said...

apparently loads of people don't show up for work until 10am, and then work until 7pm. i would go mad.

Kernel Panic Loop