Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Food Related

Is there anyone who doesn't like a big bowl of popcorn with a Coke? When the kids were little I would pop up this gigantic Tupperware bowl full of popcorn; we would gather on the floor sharing it. I love those boys of mine along with some of those sweet memories.

You know how in the kitchen you have been doing something one way forever, only to discover there is a much more efficient method? Well, I recently read a little piece in the Times about the glory of grilled cheese sandwiches. As you know I eat pb&j for lunch; I also make plenty of grilled cheese. This article had you make a cheese sandwich open-faced, (strictly speaking, not a grilled cheese), anyway, you put the top and bottom in the oven at 500 degrees until it melts. For that little task I would have always used my broiler, but, you know how that goes; it must be directly under one of the elements, cooking some of it, some, not so much. This new method works like a charm. I had a wonderful sandwich with an onion roll. I put some Djon mustard on first, covered it with a lovely sliced tomato with ground pepper, finally, the sliced sharp cheddar. It took less than five minutes and I can attest to its goodness. I'll use this browning method for other types of bread in the future for sure.

As well, for most of my life I was certain I hated onions. Am I glad I put that notion to rest. They add so much to so many foods that I can't imagine cooking without them. I love shallots, green onions, and red ones the most. I especially love to caramelize onions to put on steak or a hamburger--delicious.

If you happened to have caught the Food Network awards the other night you might have noticed that the women were looking rather saucy--particularly Nigella, and Giada. There was cleavage galore.

I will only say that the Algebra test was like it's predecessors this semester--miserable.

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