Monday, August 27, 2007

Fledgling Photographer

My nephew Richard (Maureen's son) and his girlfriend Jen came by the market yesterday with their dog Belvedere. He's a puggle and so nicely behaved. They are a charming couple, Rich has an incredible wit and Jen is full of unbridled enthusiasm. It is always nice to see a familiar face. Jen asked me what did people buy the most. I puzzled over that; it seems as if there is no majority. Here's what I sold yesterday:
A brown sunflower peeking through a fence.
An outdoor table and chairs set against a terra cotta wall that is soon to be demolished.
A peacock.
A pink rose.
Beach chairs for rent.
An architecture piece.
Flowers on a beach.
Hammock lakeside.
And last but not least a sculpture picture.
There seems to be no specific category and that is good because as you know full well (my mom used to say that all the time)I like to take pictures of everything!

Just when I thought it was safe to go back into the water--I got an explanation of benefits (for those healthy souls among you--you don't have a clue what this is) from a visit I made to the hospital in early May. Did I tell you that the hospital for which I worked for ten years sent a collections agency after us for $17.37? Was I ever furious! The bill had already been paid, but posted to a wrong account. Nevertheless my sabbatical from doctor visits will officially come to an end when I see Dr. Everett on Thursday afternoon. Try as I might I have been unable to get well on my own. I know it seems to readers that I can't be sick but the fact of the matter is that I will myself each and every day. Saturday and Sunday were rough days for me and I finally gave in last night, took a pain pill, and went to sleep before 9. It was all I could do to make it through the market.Bruce begged me to let him do all the set up and take down but it doesn't seem right for him to do all the work. I did what I could because it is hell to feel helpless.

Enough negativity. I am a fortunate woman in more ways than I can count!

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