Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Mind Over Matter

That seems to work pretty well for me in the daytime--the nighttime is another story. I was feeling so good for a few days until I felt the familiar twinge in my side yesterday afternoon and it went downhill from there. I went in the pool to soak my bites and called my sister Lisa; we chatted for a good long while. She asked if I had any doctor's visits lined up . I am between a rock and a hard place on that one. I've had no help from the gazillion visits I've made, so what would make me think another one would be any different? All these are distractionary (is that a word?) tactics. I was happy to go to bed early with Bruce who had to get up at 4 am for a flight this morning. Unfortunately, even though I was sleeping on my heating pad, the pain kept waking me up. I couldn't get comfortable no matter how I tried. I was awake when his alarm went off and thought I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep; thankfully, I did.

I got up with high hopes for the day. I scooted over to the museum to finish my task there--yeah, it is done. Apparently, they had that list since last October and no one had found the time to input it. So, for what it's worth, that at least makes me feel like it was a good thing to do. The gardener there saw I had my camera and asked if I would take some pictures of the grounds for a power point presentation he will be giving to some group. Naturally, I said sure. At the outset I was so weak I could hardly raise my camera to the angle I wanted, but eventually I recovered. When I came home I made a DVD for him which was quite a task with my new computer. I know what you are thinking--how hard could it be? You are right, I'm sure it isn't, but this first time I found it challenging.

I wanted to update you on Jonathan and Allisa. They made it safe and sound to Chicago, despite the fact that they stayed up until 3:30AM the morning of their departure. Jonathan then proceeded to drive all the way to Louisville, KY. I was sick when I heard about it, but I suppose that all young people do things like that. I'm happy to say that they are happily settled in the new apartment. Next step--jobs. Alissa had an interview already, however, I don't know if anything has come of it just yet. Keep your fingers crossed for the both of them please.

If I given you the impression that my son David is not generous, I need to correct that. He is generous, just serious with his money. He came over Sunday evening and declared he is ready to invest some money in my business. He's thinking technology. Bill got right on the computer registering me for a domain name for $10/year with Yahoo. It is www.outandaboutphoto.com

There's nothing there yet, but at least we are ready. More details to follow.


Amaya said...

What a sweet son! He knows a good thing when he sees it. :D

Jozee said...

You can default your dot com to your blog if you want something to show up at that address for now. That's what I've been doing with mine till I get a proper website. Just a thought.

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