Thursday, August 30, 2007

What Can I Say?

The photo of the day is of a marker about a block from the house. I've passed it so many times that it has become part of the scenery, however, on a walk with Baxter, I stopped to read it. It is remarkable to think that where our house is standing used to have quite a history. Speaking of history, did I ever tell you how a few years after we moved to our current home a knock on the door produced a look into the past. A gentleman declared that he lived in our home as a child. He produced a photograph of a new home with no trees surrounding it. Wonderful how gigantic oaks and pines can change the way a neighborhood looks. Our home is not as old as we are, but not far off. Built in 1960, the houses must have replaced an orange grove.

So, I've returned from my visit with Dr. Everett. He said "you look great!" He reminded me again of his concern that there was a yet to be discovered cancer lurking in my abdomen, but because I still weigh 108, he is fear-free. I suggested it was unusual for someone my age to not gain weight, but that argument fell on deaf ears. He has no explanation for the pain, and wants me to just keep going. Well, I have no choice now, do I? I must reiterate to recent readers that Dr. Everett is considered "Dr. House" by his peers.

I managed to stay up just fine for my class last night. I forgot some of the happenings that often occur during the first class, such as icebreakers. After pairing up with a student we did not know and asking them three questions we were charged with introducing them to the rest of the class. Charlie was my introducer; he was nervous when I suggested that we go first. That is always my strategy because then it is all over. Often the first class meeting is weird because beforehand people just sit silently waiting for something to happen. This class was full of chatters from the word go--my kind of people. One reason I took this Intro to Film class was because I'd heard the professor was great. My first impression is extremely favorable.

Tomorrow is speech class. I don't think it will bother me to give speeches, but I know nothing of the professor, and as many of you know, the professor makes or breaks a class. I'm optimistic she'll be just fine.

My dear sister Lisa sent me another sweet card. She really know how to cheer a girl up. Thanks sis.

1 comment:

e said...

An as yet undiscovered cancer in your abdomen?? If they know it's there, then why is it undiscovered? And if it's not there, then why do they insist it is? I'm confused.

Kernel Panic Loop