Saturday, August 4, 2007


You knew I would have more to say, didn't you?

Here is my darling husband Bruce. He is not only handsome as can be,but he's one in a million in every way. I might have mentioned that we hooked up when we were thirteen. I'll never know how I got so lucky.

I neglected to mention that the drive home was in torrential rain for about 250 miles. I'm not too thrilled to drive in that kind of weather but Bruce did it with grace--no fussing, all business.

He talked me through the bridge fear, and kept me informed about when we were almost over it. I forgot to mention that the bridge crossing (back and forth) occurred the day of the bridge collapse in Minneapolis.

Now, here is the most astonishing thing about Bruce. We came home, not only because of the rain on Friday in Charleston, but so that Bruce would have some time to fix our roof. He is still out there, nearly 12 hours later, working in the blistering heat to fix what Hurricane Charley wrought. During the storm a massive, let me repeat, massive oak branch came crashing down on the corner of our roof. It crushed everything in it's path filling half of our back yard with it's spreading branches. At the time, Bruce had a carpenter that he has worked with come do the needed repairs. Apparently, they either didn't hold up, or were done incorrectly, because we noticed a roof leak there a few months ago. It had not progressed into the house or anything, but it was blistering the paint.

He had to devise a plan, get materials (not easy with a BMW 325), and then demo the rotten wood. We have an old-fashioned tar and gravel roof and let me tell you, this has been no easy task. Yet, he continues. All this from a 54 year old man that drove 450 miles yesterday.

A blog friend has this running debate about the worthiness of men. I suppose I'm biased because all the men in my life are gems--meaning Bruce and my boys.

Here's the kicker--Bruce seems to think he was pretty lucky too.


Unknown said...

Gail, I love reading your blog. What I "get" about your family is that all of you are about Love -- yes the "L" word with a big L. You love each other with a big love that lights the world and attracts those who have love to give or want to be around the generosity and power of love. You're the second woman in a month, whose blog I read regularly, published a tribute to her husband -- it's very tender, moving and inspiring.

e said...

Wow, what a great guy. What great people. You clearly love and value each other. It shows the rest of us that it is possible. There just aren't too many role models nowadays, so thank you for that.

Kernel Panic Loop