A few astute observers noticed I got a new camera about two months ago. I used to take loads of macros with my "baby camera", however, I've been unable to duplicate that success with my new one. I know that sounds silly because my new camera is a bit of an upgrade, but there you have it. Thus, I've been practicing. I went to my favorite haunt for such photography--Leu Gardens yesterday for about an hour.I have to get out and about if only for a little while. Of all things, one of the pictures I took and posted made Explore. Maybe I'm getting my mojo back a bit. While I was home I practiced on some shells I collected while at Canaveral Seashore. My professor for my class this summer said it was like golf--the more you swing the club, the better you get. I'm keeping that in mind.
The reason for this post is two-fold. One, my adviser is the same age as the twins and cute as a button. Very nice and easy going. That should make this internship thing all the better as I have to turn in weekly assignment stuff. She prefers e-mail to the forms I was given from the internship office. Perfect.
Secondly, our Jonathan called and he has a month long position starting Thursday at an large architectural firm in Chicago. Now that is really great news. I was remiss because I did not tell you that he was sorry for our disagreement and called me back. I told you he was a sweetie. I suspect (no bias) that once they meet him and realize his genius, they will want to find a place for him permanently. Don't think for a moment that I won't be bragging about it.
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