Sunday, August 5, 2007

Market Day Redux

Despite having worked until 9pm last night, Bruce was up bright and early. We set up the booth with him heading home to finish the roof. Another scorcher today I might add. He finished just in time to get a shower and pick me up at the market.

The good news is that there was a lot more traffic today which meant I sold five pieces, including one of the larger ones. Strangely enough, because Bruce had not eaten, he got some food from one of our fellow vendors and sat down to eat. It was already about 3 pm. Two nice men came by who were visiting from Fort Lauderdale. They ended up buying two things! Typically, we are already taking down about then, but it's probably like all shopkeepers, just before closing time a buyer shows up. Anyway, happy day all around.

Another good thing is that the owner of a trendy vegetarian restaurant stopped by and asked if I might want to put some pieces up there! Apparently, they showcase a few artists each month. He gave me the contact person's e-mail address. I know you've already guessed I will be following up on this lead pronto!

Yet another cool thing. A few weeks ago there was a photographer from the newspaper who was taking pictures of a woman walking through the market for an upcoming story. Well, my booth shows up in the background of the photo in todays paper; there is even someone there looking at stuff. How about that friends?

One thing is that I'm super tired this evening because not only did I have buyers, but lookers as well. I have a few people who stop by weekly which is nice. At any rate, I stood up for most of the day, so now I'm feeling pooped. Can you even believe I'm mentioning that when Bruce was on the roof for all those hours? I almost feel blasphemous.

This is a picture looking out the gallery window from the museum--a beautiful view. I'll have to get over there this week and finish my data entry. Yeah!


Unknown said...

Congratulations, Gail! I'm so thrilled for your increasing business and growing fan base. It couldn't happen to a nicer person!

e said...

Awesome. Any chance you might be able to post a copy of said photo in the paper with your booth in the background? You know, tooting of horns and all that.

Kernel Panic Loop