Monday, August 20, 2007

I Know it's Just a Market....

Honestly though, didn't her mother teach her not to go out in her underwear?

If we were just beginning our courtship, Saturday would not have added much to it. As I mentioned, it was our anniversary. Bruce only worked until 1 so that we could go to the movies. His comment was: "you know this is the best movie you've seen in ages!" Of course it is the only movie I've been to in ages. The Bourne Ultimatum is not my idea of great movie making. I did it for him although not without snide remarks throughout the movie. Let's just say that there are two things that I deplore in movies--gratuitous violence, and car chases. I got my quota of both for about five years in the future. The dialog is amazingly bad--"get his cell phone!" "find out where he's been!" "let's go mobile!" and on and on it went. I think Matt Damon had about thirty lines total in the whole movie. Enough said.

Dinner later at a neighborhood restaurant did not go well either; fortunately we enjoy each other's company. Orlando has several neighborhoods just like most cities. College Park is one of them, just the other side of downtown. There is a lot of old money in College Park and those who live there have fierce pride about their slice of Orlando. The restaurant in question was a little Italian place housed in an old house. Recently bought by a celebrated chef(locally speaking), it is suffering terribly from more things than I care to write about. I will tell you that when they brought the water glasses Bruce's had floating mold in it. We should have bolted then, especially because there was almost no apology for the faux pas. Eventually the errors mounted up and couldn't be ignored. Bruce said--let me do the talking. Good plan as I tend to ramble. He politely told the manager our complaints. I felt sorry for her as she seemed close to tears--mostly from frustration. She said that the Nazi hostess was a sore point with everyone. Furthermore, she begged me not to write to the restaurant reviewer for the paper.

The market was hot and sales were lukewarm but I'm not losing heart.

1 comment:

e said...

Maybe she's a superhero - she wears her underpants on the outside?

Kernel Panic Loop