Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I'm sure you've not seen this one before. This is a picture of a picture. Mr. Roger knew of an event in a hip part of town called "A Taste of Thornton Park"; he suggested I donate a piece for the silent auction end of it to promote my business with the proceeds going to the local Humane Society. He took it upon himself to print this abstract on a 30 X40 canvas. He called one of the organizers to come over to meet me while I was over there signing it--she was nice. I was so excited I went to the car to get my camera to take this before it was gone. It turns out the event is a few blocks away from the gallery on the same night. At any rate, I was adjusting my camera while walking up their stairs and took a tumble--my first thought was--I hope my camera is alright! I scraped my knee like a kid. Roger's wife is a nurse and I jokingly went back in--"I need a nurse." She did the first aid stuff covering it with a clear bandage. A little battle scar. I asked her what happens if it doesn't sell to which she replied they've never had something not sell. Let's hope my piece doesn't break tradition.

Straight from there to the museum. There were a few more guest today which broke the time up. The rest I filled with homework and reading. At the moment I'm reading The Power of One, the review so far is fantastic.
Moving right along I delivered a framed print to a lady from the Baldwin Park show, and then on to deliver two other prints to my sister-in-law Ruth. She, and Pat,(my brother) work in the same office for the Florida Environmental Protection Agency. I'd never been there before, it was fun to see their offices and meet a few of their co-workers.

Got to get working on my film class study guide for the mid-term tomorrow night. I always type all my hand written notes before an exam. I find that the interaction with the keys somehow makes the info stick a little better than just re-reading it. Maureen just called and having a dog in her life is going to be a big adjustment.


Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you with the recent successes. I was sorry to hear about your slip and fall. Your little business is changing from baby steps to strides. Congratulations. love

Amaya said...

You sure are doing well with your prints! Just imagine, if you keep this up your photography will be all over the city soon!
Sorry about your fall.

Kernel Panic Loop