Saturday, October 27, 2007

Finally, A Makeup Session

I told you that Michelle and Dave were having a Halloween party--well, this is the night. Michelle has been my costume consultant and now she has done my makeup. Here she is with the magic tools.

I personally have never seen such an array of makeup products except at the department store. I suspect this is only a sampling of what she has. She always looks amazingly polished; Maureen and I have been dying for her to do that to us. I got my chance and I was all over it.

I lost track of all the stuff that went on my face, but I do remember that there were two undercoats, primers if you will, BEFORE the concealer went on! She asked me if I liked eye liner on the bottom, I had to confess that I'd never tried it. I looked up, looked down, and she made it happen. Because the time was getting late we opted out of the false eyelashes. She gave me a little lesson on how to use an eyelash curler, which, although I own, and even attempt to use, I am never successful.

She also worked magic on my lips. They look like I'm almost 54. She did some pencil stuff, then some stain. She quickly applied this stuff and said it might sting. I said, "I don't feel a thing." Well, that was immediately after application. Soon enough, the tingle began. Turns out, it was a lip plumper! Indeed, it was even more than a tingle, but I was totally game. It was amazingly sweet of her to do it because the party was only hours away, yet, she worked like a craftsman--which indeed she is! Bruce says I look beautiful, more so than he's seen in awhile! Maureen will be very sorry she didn't answer the phone so she could come over and watch the transformation!

I missed my darling Matthew's call yet again today as I was working very hard (for a change) at the museum. We'll talk more about that later.


e said...

Um - pictures???? All this info about how Michelle put on all this make up for a new look, and no pictures?

Mrs Uyopong said...

I can only imagine.........

Amaya said...

Sounds fun. I hope the lip plumper didn't sting for long.

Kernel Panic Loop