Wednesday, October 31, 2007

My First Published Photo!

Here's the calendar etc. Very exciting stuff!

The best laid plans of mice and men--one of my mom's favorite sayings. This morning when there was a break in the rain, I took Baxter for a walk. Let's just say he was having some trouble relieving himself which took some intervention on my part. It resulted in an unintended bath for Baxter. He is nice and fluffy now.

When I was done with that I heard this noise--I thought it was the air conditioner but, no, it was the hall toilet running. Weird--it just started on its own. I took the lid off and lifted stuff to no avail. I was trying hard not to call Bruce as he has so many problems he has to deal with on all his jobs but it became necessary. He instructed me to turn off the water. I'm sure it is something simple and he'll be able to fix it when he gets home. We have had our share of house troubles lately. Last week we replaced the pool pump for $420. The air conditioner was leaking on the carpet but that fix was simple--I'd neglected to change the filter for too long.

Halloween is over for another year. I had so few children that it was weird. Baxter barked his little head off at the ones who came. In years past the same children would come to the side door (our driveway is there) and then the front door. I was always amazed that they seemed to not realize it was the same house as both doors are painted a light terra cotta color--not just some brown door. Nonetheless, I used to say--you just visited me at the other door! They feigned innocence. None of that tonight.

I put a link on my blog to highly recommend it if you like music. You put in someone you like and then they play music for you of the same ilk. You get to hear people you would have never heard of--I've got mine going right now. I put Nick Drake in and I've heard some great tunes--I just listened to a Danish guy--Teitur that was marvelous.

So Bruce called, as you know he's working in the DC area. It took him FOUR hours to go 45 miles--and we thought Orlando's traffic was bad. Can you imagine?


Unknown said...

Congrats! That's exciting to see! You will probably walk in to stores all over the city and see your photo on the wall now. Then you can say, "Would you like me to sign that for you?"
That's really cool!

Amaya said...

Congratulations on the calendar again. I bet it's excited to see it in front of you.

e said...

Yay on the calendar! You deserve it.

Mrs Uyopong said...

I am so happy for you Gail. Congratulations my friend. I would be happy to get an autograph from cool.

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