Friday, October 19, 2007


Typically I don't feel like the title suggests, but this week is an exception. I've completed my mid-terms, my paper, my speech, and the gallery thing. I hope I did well on them all.

Naturally, when you want to take a decent picture, you can't. My wonderful neighbor Regina took my picture twice, both had motion, not to mention goofy looks on my face. Thank goodness for friends and family coming because the crowd never materialized. I was one of about ten artists that were featured. Wait a minute--I've never used that term to describe myself--I take it back. I was the pretender in the group.

Maureen and Lynn came by on their way to Maureen's birthday dinner which was a welcome surprise. Lisa came early and stayed late. It was such a blessing to have my sisters there. It is in an out of the way spot, so I feel grateful for those who found it. Oh yes, Olga, our CPA, and her husband came on their way out to dinner. What a charming couple they are with two of the most darling children you can imagine. Last quarter she helped me fill out my state sales tax form--I told her this time I'll have some sales to report!

I just got off the phone with Mr. Roger. You, of course, know who I mean. The man that has transformed my business--yes, that Mr. Roger. At any rate, their son (can't remember exact age--early 20's) was to have had surgery yesterday morning for what seemed to be benign masses in his sinuses. Now they are not so sure they are benign. He's in the hospital right now recovering from a spinal tap, surgery is scheduled for next Tuesday. My heart goes out to him and his wonderful wife Trish--not to mention their son. It is a parent's worst nightmare--something wrong with one of their children. Pray for them please.

Additionally, he told me about a woman who started a website called It is for people who KNOW something is wrong with them, but the medical community has been anything but helpful. Hmmmmmm.......I'll have to check it out.

My darling Bruce did not arrive home until around 8 last night. When I returned after 9 he was dead to the world. This is going to be a VERY long six weeks for him.
For him there is usually no such thing as TGIF--he just keeps going, and going, and going.

1 comment:

Amaya said...

Nah, you're an artist just like the rest of them.
I'll be interested to hear how INOD works for you.

Kernel Panic Loop