My gmail account is not working right now--bummer. I've composed an e-mail to a department chair at Valencia asking for help finding a graphics arts student to design a website for me. Unfortunately it has just sat there for about two hours. I suspected it was some other computer problem on my end, but I discovered it was Google's issue. Thank goodness, a reprieve from calling Apple yet again. Speaking of which I wrote to an Apple representative regarding my poor customer service the other night and they have yet to respond.
I was getting very comfortable not feeling so poorly, but lo and behold, this morning I've been struck with violent retching again. The pain in my side has intensified much to my chagrin. I need to be doing homework.
I spotted this bit of silliness yesterday on my way home from a campus visit. I had originally hoped I could get away without the book for my music appreciation class, but alas, he tests on the content. It was $120 which includes five CDs for listening exercises. We watched Vertigo last night -- I'll have to write some stupid response about the psychological implications, blah, blah, blah. I anticipated that this class might be about some of the history of film, the innovations, the mechanics...anything but what it is. I suppose because he is an English professor I should have known that he would analyze them to death. It's entertainment already.
That's all for now folks.
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