Sunday, October 14, 2007

My, Oh My!

Remember when I had to photograph the city commissioner and was not too happy with the result--well, here she is at the Gay Days Parade today. I didn't sell even one piece today, but it was eventful nonetheless.

We took Maureen out last night for dinner and had a marvelous time. We decided to call it a birthday dinner as Thursday is her big day. She mentioned that she was meeting her son Rich and his wonderful girlfriend Jen at the market in the morning. Well...while we were setting up Rich and Jen arrived with a birthday surprise for Maureen. Over on flickr I've posted two pictures of the happy event. They brought her a puggle--if you've not heard of those before it is a cross between a beagle and a pug. Needless to say she was nearly speechless. They had been trying to convince her that a dog would keep her company (she lives alone), but Maureen had not gone through with it. He is a very handsome dog that came from the pound which is astonishing because they are very expensive. They included pet training lessons, along with a dvd on becoming a dog owner. It was very exciting!

As well, it was the Sunday of the Gay Pride parade on the side street of the market. Talk about a front row seat--fantastic. I left my booth as there were no customers anyway and shot away. In fact, I took so many that I filled my memory card! It was my first chance to see a Pride parade and it was exuberant.

Bruce has to leave super early in the morning so we're off to bed--he never has to convince me no matter how early it is--I need my sleep! Goodnight friends.


e said...

Great picture! Love it. Really captures the mood.

A puggle! How fun. You know, you can get pedigree dogs from the pound all the time. Just because people pay money for them doesn't make them less stupid, and they get abandoned all the time. Good for you and Maureen, for taking it this baby. Please tell her your animal lover friend in LA says thanks.

Amaya said...

I thought it was cute enough that they gave her the puggle.. but to pay for training and provide a dog-owners dvd? that is so thoughtful!

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