Monday, September 10, 2007

All is Not Lost

Panic time this morning around 8 AM EST. My entire photo library disappeared from my computer-- the screen said 0 photos. Now what? Apple does not open until 6 Pacific time; you can imagine I was not keen on waiting. I had just completed a disc for my printer, moving on to make a disc for the market website, when I discovered that I had nothing to work with. Thank God Matt was off today and happened to be online. I sent him a little chat describing my situation. He took control of my computer from London looking for the missing photos. It appeared that even he was stymied but with some sleuthing he discovered a forum that described the same problem. He followed the instructions, voila--they are back. Now that a back up has been completed I need to do something else to complete the process. Yikes--bad way to start the week!

Rain finally made an appearance at the market yesterday afternoon. It is really surprising that this is the first time all summer that we have had a storm as I've mentioned before we typically get rain every afternoon. Mr. Bruce was able to keep all the pictures dry; we waited out the storm before packing up. Our garage is the drying out spot now for the display parts with three fans blowing like nobodies business. A pleasant surprise yesterday was seeing Liza's aunt and uncle. Liza is one of Matt's dearest friends, they met each other in sixth grade and have been very close ever since. Her family is all delightful. They came to the market for a stroll and left with two of my pictures!

Did I mention I've decided to enter an art festival? Baldwin Park is a planned community on an old Navy Base site. They've built a downtown with pricey residences surrounding it. I noticed the ad in a little paper I was reading at the museum and thought if they would have me I'd give it a go. It is Saturday, October 6, so early enough in the semester that I won't be too panicked. I called Dave and asked if he would work the booth while I do my museum stint on Saturday and his reply: "I'll sell the heck out of your stuff Mom."

1 comment:

e said...

What a lovely photo! And good grief, you must have practically passed out, thank goodness Matt was there to save the day.

So proud of you, you really are getting your art out there.

Kernel Panic Loop