Friday, September 28, 2007

I Did It!

Speech number one is in the books folks. I felt bad for those who forgot theirs in the middle, asking to start over, but generally people did very well. One of those who forgot, and actually asked to sit down, did the dying scene from Million Dollar Baby. As you can imagine it lost its' emotional punch. On the other hand, one of the girls did this monologue from Network, she's acted before, and it was clearly evident. A girl that I practiced with before class did the voice-over from the beginning of Trainspotting, an old favorite of Matts'.

Speaking of Matt,he is visiting Paris as I type--our man on the continent. His camera cable remained in his flat in London, meaning I'll be waiting until Sunday to see what he saw.

One of the things that I miss most about my job is interacting with older women. In our culture old people are often dismissed unless they are family. I learned so much about living from my patients. Not all of them were interesting, hardly needs to be said, but the vast majority had something fascinating to say--or at least I thought so. Patients used to tell me the most amazing intimate details of their lives. Now, I know what you are thinking. Yes, it is true, I'm pretty open about my life, allowing them to open up to me. It bears repeating that just because someone has aged doesn't mean they aren't still cool. It just means that they've had lots longer to hone that skill. As well, everyone wants to share their story as is evidenced by the popularity of blogs. We are all looking for an audience.

Because I sometimes grocery shop in the morning I see these long lines of elderly people waiting for their ride back to the high-rises downtown. It's usually a Monday, or Friday happening--mostly all women. I don't know if that is because they are widows, or that they don't trust their "man" to do the shopping. In any case, it is quite a sight.

1 comment:

e said...

People are interesting. I'm with you, just cos someone is old doesn't mean they don't have a contribution to make.

And yay for you for doing so well on the speech.

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