Friday, September 21, 2007

Baby Steps

We have taken baby steps all along the way in this venture. Here's another one--when I returned home from school this was in the mail. I bought it on Ebay which I've only used about twice before. The plate with our name--Out & About Photography will arrive separately. Have I even told you our name before?--I can't remember. This is the plan--when I get approved for the PayPal virtual terminal, we'll swipe the card at the market, and then when we get home log on, entering it for payment. Bruce has a laptop, and there is WiFi, but it is not reliable enough for us to feel comfortable with it. At least this is the current plan.

Immaculate Collection is playing on Itunes right now--so many of the songs hold up wonderfully. I just heard "Justify My Love", good stuff.

Speaking of memory, thanks for the tips friends. Laura suggested I sing it--cool idea, as I'm sure you are like me and remember lyrics like nothing else. I stopped on the way home and bought some note cards--I'll need them for future speeches. Our professor is very lively and fun, but today was painful. She played something from "Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" and groups had to get up and move to it. If you can envision a weirder thing for me to have to do, I don't want to hear about it! Picture a room full of 18-25 year olds, here is yours truly having to dance in front of the class. I'm hoping the cute young things in my group were commanding the attention.

I've got a film quiz to take online about Stagecoach which I dread, but here goes. I'm so not into analyzing what seems to me as just a story. Museum duty tomorrow. It's supposed to be a rainy weekend, hopefully the weatherman is wrong per usual.

1 comment:

e said...

That sounds like fun, Gail! I have found that the young things are quite fascinated by those of us they would ordinarily consider old, when we have fun. I think they suddenly see that getting older is not a death sentence, but an opportunity to have fun and be free.

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