Saturday, September 15, 2007

Many Hats

Here is the hats and glove I promised--very cool right?

Yesterday I wore many hats, unfortunately pain was one of them. Boo hiss!
Neverthetheless, here's what I was up to:

Student--I started the day this way as I was hurting too much to do anything else. I did not go to Speech class as our professor was speaking at a conference. We were to research topics for our upcoming speeches. She told us about a that has lots of movie monologues. I printed out about eight and I'll choose from those. As well we have to give a historic speech which we also have to bring in. I think I will do Conan O'Brien's commencement address to Harvard. Jonathan shared it with me some years ago and it is hilarious. It is probably too long but we'll see what she thinks. It certainly fits the situation. First thing about giving speeches--know your audience.

Homemaker--Fridays are when I do my housework. I only do laundry once a week, vacuum, change the sheets--you know what I'm talking about. I managed to get it all done albeit a bit slower than sometimes. I did some ironing as well.

Patient Advocate--What do I mean by that? A neighbor's daughter-in-law has just been
diagnosed with breast cancer and she asked me if I would chat with her. She came over and we visited for a while. What a nice woman--she is 39. Let me just say right off that she does not have breast cancer that kills. She has VERY EARLY breast cancer which complicates decisions she must make. We had lots in common so I think she felt comfortable with me. I talked to her just like I used to talk to my patients--basically giving her the inside scoop. I feel terribly sorry for people who must navigate the medical maze without help. I gave her my e-mail address so she could write me if she has further questions. I was happy to help.

Photographer--Maureen came over to buy the print for the wedding gift. I picked up my order on Thursday morning and was quite pleased with what I got. I hope the recipient is happy with her selection. As well I had to sign all of them which takes awhile. Let us hope that some get sold tomorrow.

Lastly Wife--We normally go out on Friday nights but I was just too tired. I made a very simple dinner of Parmesan chicken breasts with a pasta dish with broccoli. I was doing ok but when we went to bed violent retching took over my body--you guessed it, had to take some medicine. DAMN!!! Please forgive me for any errors in this post.

1 comment:

e said...

Bleah! Not a healthy day, it sounds like. I hope you feel better tomorrow. :o)

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