Remember when houses smelled like cooking food? Now that so few people cook(microwaving dinners doesn't count as cooking!), we have to import smells. Picture how the "aromatherapy" business has grown. There's the old reliables like candles and incense, but seriously, next time you are at the grocery store, or practically any store for that matter, the array of faux-smell products is astounding! Don't get me started on the goofy names. A caveat is in order however--I am not immune to the seduction.
Astute readers of this blog will note that the tea kettle is green. Remember how I posted a reddish one? Well, I never told you before but it was flawed and had to be returned. Imagine my delight when I found this green one.
Bruce did not arrive until nearly nine o'clock by which time even I was famished.
I'm off to do the speech in a half hour or so--here goes nothing.
I like this pic
Yay! Luck on the speech.
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