Monday, September 3, 2007

Labor Day 2007

I'm treating you to a view of our clean windows. Bruce did the screens and the outside of the windows, yours truly did the inside. There are eight of the big windows in the sun room, two double french doors inside, and three glass doors to the outside. As well, there are the kitchen, living room, and bedrooms to consider. It was the first time I have done any real physical work in at least a year; the good news is that I'm just fine. Bruce was concerned that I would tire too much, but I told him at least it would be for a good reason. It doesn't seem like that big a deal to have clean windows, but I'm here to tell you it is. Wow--I am excited because they had not been cleaned in far too long. Everything sparkles.

For whatever reason, I did not repeat last weeks success at the market, but that's ok. Sometimes that's just how it goes. We have been having some pretty torrential rains for the last few days, but fortunately they held off until after everything was put away, and we'd had a short dip in the pool to cool off.

Other highlights of the last few days:

Lovely chat with Matt--he's good, busy as always.

Dinner out with friends last night at Capital Grille. Darden (Bruce's employer just purchased the chain). Very fun night.

The museum opened for the season on Saturday and I held down the fort. I had minimal success running the cash register, but I plan on improving.

Dave was over Sat. afternoon pontificating about the real estate meltdown. As a mother I can tell you that it is so marvelous to have your children teaching you things. David is incredibly knowledgeable regarding everything to do with finances and we are not. We've always just taken things as they came. For not knowing much we've managed to get this far in life with no debt aside from our mortgage and car payments; not bad for paying little attention. I suspect we'll do even better now that our boys all know so much and can advise us.

Florida Sate plays Clemson at 8 tonight--I can't wait. I do so hope our team has a better season than last year.

Alissa sent some photo albums showcasing the new apartment and new city. I was super excited to see where they are and what they have been up to. BTW--They are keeping Jonathan very busy at his temp job. The first day they told him they were looking for someone to fill the job permanently and after a month they would evaluate if he would be the right fit. Super good news.

Music enhances life so much--I've been listening to Nick Drake today. When he was alive I don't believe I ever heard of him. I'm thrilled I've righted that wrong.


e said...

Your house looks so inviting...

Amaya said...

Agreed. And I think I'd like to take a dip in that pool. :)

Mrs Uyopong said...

Oh my dream home.....

Kernel Panic Loop