Friday, September 14, 2007

She Got if From Her Mama

As they say, if you want to know what a girl will look like when she's older, look at her mother. We were blessed to have a mom who looked great almost till the day she died. When I took her to the hospital to be diagnosed the first thing the nurse said in the ER was--you can't be sick, you look too great! Shows you what she knows--stage 4 ovarian cancer.

Nonetheless, my sister Lisa's daughters will be lucky if they look as good as their mom. Yesterday I went out to Lisa's house with the red hat to photograph Emily. She has a stunning face with the most beautiful eyes you can imagine. We had fun taking the pictures, especially after she got more confident. There were so many fantastic ones I can't imagine how to choose the best.

As you may recall from an earlier post, Lisa took up running about six months ago. She has been diligent in her training with the benefits showcased here. She asked me to photograph her running, something I've never tried. Unfortunately I did not bring my camera manual with me so I had no clue how to use the panning mode, but I did use the sport mode, and it worked quite well. I like this one, but as was the case with Emily's pictures, there were lots of good ones. I swear, Lisa has the tiniest waist possible to support a torso! She is my baby sister, six years younger than me.

Her house is filled with interesting things to photograph, particularly some vintage hats and gloves which you will be seeing soon. I had to leave before I could take all that I wanted because I had a 3:00 appt. to get an oil change in the MINI--it requires them only about every 10,000 miles.

So far they have not needed Bruce for jury duty--that's both good and bad. He wanted to get called right off so he could move on with his life.

Did I tell you I have to give four speeches in my class? One is a movie monologue which I have to memorize. I'd better find it quick so I can get on it. I wonder if she'll cut me a little slack for my age? It's just so much harder to remember stuff as you get older. I guess my motto of "a good memory is overrated" won't hold water.


Amaya said...

Is this title at all related to the new Will.I.Am song?

Gail Peck said...

Of course.

Kernel Panic Loop